News & Stories


Change Makers

The people who help shape us

Six people answer a single question: Who believed in you? They share about who encouraged and inspired them when they were younger and how that experience helped shape their lives … and led to their involvement in different areas of World Vision’s work.


How I learned to give out of my grief

One woman found joy in supporting World Vision’s work, but when her husband died unexpectedly, she found new meaning in giving a “widow’s offering.” As part of her grieving process, she raised funds to build a water source at a health clinic in Malawi through World Vision.

Change Makers

Students fundraise for Ukraine through World Vision’s Ignite program

Young people have witnessed compelling footage of the war in Ukraine, including heartbreaking images of refugees and displaced families. Moved to act out their faith, students at Christian schools have raised more than $80,000 to provide Ukraine relief through World Vision’s Ignite program, a partnership that helps schools engage students and shape them into global leaders with a biblical worldview. Park Street School in Boston, Massachusetts, raised more than $16,000 through a walkathon after students, faculty, and staff established the “Children Helping Children” Ukraine Fund.