A reforestation project that has restored thousands of hectares of land in southwestern Ethiopia has won global recognition by becoming the first on the continent to earn United Nations-administered carbon credits.
News & Stories
Food and Agriculture
Former sponsored child in Mozambique teaches farming best practices
The son of subsistence farmers, a former sponsored child in Mozambique now teaches his community to grow crops for better nutrition.
Fair trade coffee improves children’s lives in Ethiopia
Southern Ethiopia is one of the best coffee-growing regions in the world! Through a World Vision training and fair trade program, coffee grower Tesfaye now brings in enough income to support his family and send his children to school, giving them hope for the future.
Horn of Africa: From relief to resiliency
Farmers in eastern Kenya are learning how to provide enough food for their families by protecting themselves from increasingly frequent dry spells.
Caring for God’s creation on Earth Day
Earth Day is a chance to look at how we can be a part of caring for God’s creation. See how caring for the planet by utilizing natural resources and innovative agricultural techniques can benefit people in need and the Earth at the same time!
Frog: The other, other white meat
In many parts of the world, frog meat is seen as a delicacy. In some areas where World Vision works, it is one of the only sources of protein within reach. See how a frog farm changed a family’s life!