This holiday shopping season, check out four gift ideas that might surprise you for those important people in your life — and one idea just for you.
News & Stories
Gift Catalog
5 benefits of soccer for kids around the world
All around the world, boys and girls play the world’s most popular sport — the game we in the U.S. call soccer and the rest of the world calls football. We break down five benefits of soccer for kids.
How to teach your children generosity this Christmas
World Vision is back in New York City’s Bryant Park for our third annual Give-back Gift Shop this Giving Tuesday. Even if you can’t join us there, learn how to create your own experience at home with your family through these simple activities that have been featured at Give-back Gift Shop.
Christmas Gift Catalog gift guide
Need Christmas gift ideas or last minute gifts? Check out our Gift Catalog Christmas gift guide, full of life-changing gifts for everyone on your list!
Legacy of love from Wisconsin assisted-living centers
In Wisconsin, residents of two assisted-living centers share a deep appreciation for goats and the benefits they bring to families in need more than half a world away. For the last two years, they’ve gathered their 25-cent bingo wins and $1 personal donations to gift 98 goats by contributing $9,270.
Gift Catalog alpacas improve income, health in Ecuador
Located nearly 12,500 feet above sea level, families in the Guarguallá Grande community collectively care for 45 alpacas provided through the World Vision Gift Catalog. In total, 266 families in three mountainous communities raise 420 alpacas for their milk and wool, which they use and make products to sell. In 2018, the communities harvested 413 pounds of wool from the alpacas gifted through the Gift Catalog.
Grateful for World Vision partners
World Vision partners are key in fulfilling our mission to serve and equip children in need o reach their God-given potential. Their hard work and generous donations are making a positive impact in the lives of children and families in need worldwide.
Goats bring blessings to family facing drought
OCT. 15, 2019, ZAMBIA — Nine-year-old Nathan takes care of his family’s goats. Because of drought, this year’s crops failed, but the animals give his family economic independence.
Joey’s story: Defying a disability to bring hope to other children
Nine-year-old Joey Johnson believes that gifts given through the World Vision Gift Catalog help lift children and their families out of poverty.
Top 5 Mother’s Day gift ideas that may surprise your mom
Read our top five Mother’s Day gift ideas that cover all the basics she gave to you. But most importantly, ones that show her you’ve learned her greatest lesson: empathy for others.