Access to clean water is essential, yet the global water crisis means many people are struggling to get the quantity and quality of water they need. As the leading nongovernmental provider of clean water in the developing world, World Vision aims to reach 30 million people with clean water between 2023 and 2030. Learn key facts about water, how water scarcity impacts vulnerable communities, and how you can help end the global water crisis.
News & Stories
Girls and Women
For lasting change, just add clean water
Access to clean water has completely transformed the lives of Grace and her mother, Margaret, in Kenya. It’s not only led to better health and hygiene but has also helped improve school attendance and even opened up new business opportunities.
6 facts about female genital mutilation (FGM)
Here are key facts about female genital mutilation (FGM), a harmful practice that has affected at least 200 million women and girls across 30 countries. Millions more girls are at risk.
Sudan crisis: Stories of survival, hope, and relief
View stories, videos, and updates about the Sudan crisis and World Vision’s response — compiled in one place. Explore the unfolding crisis in Sudan, view survivors’ stories, and learn how World Vision is delivering lifesaving aid to affected communities in the region.
Sudanese refugee children reclaiming their childhood
World Vision is providing crucial child protection support, including Child-Friendly Spaces, to vulnerable children affected by the Sudan conflict. Our programs extend to both Sudan and Chad, where refugee numbers have surged since April 2023.
Rising from conflict: Voices of Sudan’s women and girls
Explore the struggles and challenging experiences of women and girls caught in the conflict in Sudan. Learn how World Vision’s Sudan relief efforts are offering hope amid violence, hunger, and displacement.
Mother won’t give up on daughter with disability
Xinxin was diagnosed with cerebral palsy when she was just a baby. Her mother, Xiaofei, poured time and resources into her rehabilitation, but she lacked support from her family. Relatives didn’t think it was worth it to invest in a child with special needs. But Xiaofei wouldn’t give up. When she found support for Xinxin through World Vision and its partners, she found new hope. Now, she wants to share her hope with other parents of children with disabilities: “I hope parents do not give up.”
Irresistible: One family’s journey to change
A family who once lived in a termite-ridden hut received the gift of goats and changed their lives — to the delight of the man who believed in them.
Yessica’s story in Honduras: A new view when she looks in the mirror
Yessica’s family struggled as she was growing up, but after World Vision invited her to learn to farm and participate in Biblical Empowered Worldview classes, she’s now earning twice the average income for most people in Honduras.
2024 life frames: Storytelling from World Vision photographers
World Vision photographers capture stories of children and their families to inspire us toward action and compassion. These moments in time illuminate God’s grace and faithfulness as we work together to end extreme poverty in His name.