FEB. 1, 2013, SOUTH AFRICA — South Africa’s patriarchal society denies women a voice on issues affecting them most: gender equality, child abuse, rape, and high HIV rates. But now many are standing against the denial and prejudice associated with HIV by learning to live productive lives.
News & Stories
Girls and Women
A bicycle and the change it brought
Pushpa, a 15-year-old sponsored girl, received a bicycle from World Vision, which allowed her to safely continue her education. Read her story.
Happy harmony through the Gift Catalog
NOV. 1, 2012, UNITED STATES AND GUATEMALA — An American child with a disability and love for music made an impact on Guatemalan children with a special gift from the World Vision Gift Catalog.
A girl’s journey from brick factory worker to outstanding student
Today has been declared by the United Nations as the International day of the Girl. To commemorate this day, we’re asking you to advocate on behalf of girls like Keota in Cambodia.
A brick factory is no place for an 11-year-old girl. But each day, Keota would spend hours stacking heavy bricks in a dusty, dangerous workplace to supplement her parents’ meager income.
Now, thanks to World Vision, Keota is back in school, earning good grades and helping her little sisters with their studies.
Educate a girl, change the world
Educate a girl and you’ll change the world. This International Day of the Girl, October 11, be a part of changing our world. Raise your voice and let others know how important it is to educate and invest in the lives of girls.
Saving Savoeun
AUG. 1, 2012, CAMBODIA — In the U.S., an Amber Alert is broadcasted when a child goes missing. But how do you create an Amber Alert in Cambodian villages when the enemies are sex traffickers? World Vision came up with a plan.
Helping my homeland: Why I sponsor a girl in India
Aparna Sen, a World Vision sponsor, shares how growing up in Calcutta shaped her desire to help girls in India get an education, and about her recent opportunity to travel to India to meet 12-year-old Rebika, whom Aparna sponsored after becoming acquainted with World Vision and our work in her native country.
Women of Vision: Change happens when women come together
Dr. Leslie Parrott, author and family therapist, shares some of her personal experiences and why she believes in the collective power of women to create positive, lasting change in the world.