World Vision photographers capture stories of children and their families to inspire us to action and compassion. They capture intimate moments that illuminate God’s grace and faithfulness as we follow Jesus’ example to show unconditional love to the poor and oppressed.
News & Stories
Girls and Women
Two sisters: Two worlds
In the West African country of Niger, two sisters live dramatically different lives due to birth order and poverty. Could access to clean water give them each a chance to reach their dreams?
Top disasters of 2022
In 2022, World Vision responded to 58 disasters in 57 countries, helping more than 31.1 million people with relief aid they needed to survive. Learn more about some of the top disasters of 2022.
11 reasons to have hope in 2023
Head into the new year with 11 reasons to have hope in 2023 — read about global development progress and ways World Vision’s work is empowering vulnerable kids and families to overcome poverty.
2022 life frames: Storytelling from World Vision photographers
World Vision photographers capture stories of children and their families to inspire us to action and compassion. They capture intimate moments that illuminate God’s grace and faithfulness as we follow Jesus’ example to show unconditional love to the poor and oppressed.
Bicycles lift a burden from the shoulders of a Zambian girl
New bicycles allow a Zambian girl to attend school and avoid the dangers on her road to collect water. The bicycle lets her arrive on time to class and also gets her home earlier in the evening so she has more time for her homework.
Afghan mom sells kidney for food, refuses to sell 4-year-old girl
In Afghanistan, food-insecure families face desperate choices, like one 30-year-old mother of five who sold her kidney to help buy food for her hungry children. She shares her ordeal with World Vision.
Voices of Rohingya refugees: Praying through the crisis
Rohingya refugees in Cox’s Bazar share moments of their lives — beyond the tragedies they’ve endured — since fleeing their homes in Myanmar. Join us in praying through their stories as they continue to face challenges and look for hope during this prolonged crisis.
An ode to mothers
Every day, mothers continue to love, care for, and provide for their children. On this Mother’s Day, we recognize mothers around the globe.
Clean water opens doors to new spiritual life in Ethiopia
World Vision brought clean water to Dada village in Ethiopia. Not only did it bring about physical changes in the community by improving water access, education, and health, but it also brought spiritual changes as people wanted to follow Jesus.