News & Stories

Girls and Women

From the Field

Irrigation system transforms a community in Zimbabwe

Ruramai leads a community irrigation committee. Through her position, she’s changing the stigma associated with being a widow while the community around her also changes as a result of the irrigation system ENSURE brought. In rural Zimbabwe, women often live in poverty with no opportunities to better their lives. ENSURE, a USAID-funded program, helped change that.

Change Makers

20 reasons to have hope in 2020

Hope shines a light in the darkness. It’s infectious, even healing. Hope shines a light in the darkness. Let’s look at 20 reasons we were thankful as we entered 2020 — and prayers for each.

From the Field

Untying the knot: 10 worst places for child marriage

650 million women alive today were child brides, and millions of girls are at risk of marriage each year. For many, child marriage means a life of hardship, ill health, and low educational achievement. Find out the 10 worst countries in the world for child marriage and how to help prevent it.


Let’s end FGM: How to fundraise for your passion on Facebook

A school in Kenya is helping protect young girls from FGM and child marriage. This cause is a passion for blogger Breegan Jane, who recently met at-risk girls and calls them “some of the bravest I’ve ever encountered.” See how Breegan is fundraising to protect, educate, and empower more girls — and how you can too!