News & Stories

Global 6K for Water


A Kenya childhood: Growing up without clean water

Growing up in rural Kenya, Sam Irungu knew the daily struggle of collecting dirty water from the early age of 5. Today, he works as a software engineer for World Vision! He attributes this change to God: an answer to his mother’s prayer to redeem the life of God’s children for a better tomorrow.

From the Field

World Water Day: Every 10 seconds one person gets clean water

As we commemorate World Water Day, March 22, World Vision celebrates reaching its 2020 goal to bring clean water to one person every 10 seconds. Well-drilling teams, engineers, geologists, and community leaders in dozens of countries worked tirelessly through 2016 to accomplish that goal three years ahead of schedule. Ultimately, we hope to provide access to clean water to every person in every community where we work around the world.


Seeing the real faces of the global water crisis

663 million people don’t have clean water. It’s time to start putting real faces to this number. Start with one. Because one more child with clean water brings 663 million down to 662,999,999. And one by one we can bring clean water to children across the globe.


Nivesh begins to dream of water and beyond

Without clean water, you and your clothes stay dirty. Imagine being too ashamed to go to church. To school. Without hope or community around you. Nivesh is a girl whose dreams were dying before they ever had a chance. See how the promise of clean water is giving new life to her dreams!