As these seven of the worst disasters in 2018 show us, children and families around the world experienced tremendous pain and suffering this past year. But there remains a glimmer of light in each of them. Hope has not been snuffed out.
News & Stories
World Vision Magazine
More than enough: Child sponsorship inspires hope in Zambia
OCT. 18, 2018, ZAMBIA — Because of World Vision’s community-focused solutions, for every child you help, four more children benefit, too. Debby and her friends are all benefiting thanks to the fact that she’s sponsored.
How’d they do that: Kits with care letters
How does a World Vision kit with a care letter make its way from California to a child in a small community in Zambia? It takes a village — of vehicles.
Birthday parties leave lasting gifts in sponsorship communities
A World Vision former sponsored child now plans birthday parties for World Vision-sponsored children in southern Zambia.
No goats, no glory: Sunday school students give the gift of goats
A pastor’s challenge inspires a Sunday school teacher and her students to give the gift of goats.
Is Jesus at the center of your life?
World Vision U.S. President Edgar Sandoval Sr. explains that this Christmas, as you celebrate how much God loved this world, it’s the perfect time to ask yourself, “Is Jesus at the center of my life?”
A teenager gives his treasure to help a family from the Gift Catalog
Jesse, 16, saved his paychecks for nearly three years to build a home for a struggling woman and her children through the World Vision Gift Catalog. He sacrificed himself through physical labor and resisting temptation to spend his hard-earned money so that a family he doesn’t even know could have a better life.
Santa Switch: Shine bright by ‘flipping the focus’ this Christmas
Erin Weidemann, founder and CEO of Bible Belles, reflects on how her family has taken intentional steps to realign their hearts with the true meaning of Christmas and the spirit of the legendary gift-giver.
Q&A: Jennifer Nettles and Kristian Bush of Sugarland
Sugarland duo Jennifer Nettles and Kristian Bush talk about why they’re excited about child sponsorhip and partnering wtih World Vision.
Praying for your sponsored child
Praying the Scriptures is one of the most powerful ways to talk to God. Pray Psalm 139 over your sponsored child using the prompts below that correspond with verses in the Psalm.