A father’s options are limited by his lack of education — but he won’t let that happen to his children. Plus, five ways World Vision equips non-traditional students.
News & Stories
World Vision Magazine
Fighting child malnutrition around the world
World Vision nutrition workshops equip mothers to use readily available ingredients in cooking well-balanced meals for their families. Trainers explain the value of different nutrients in locally grown food and encourage the right mix of protein, carbohydrates, fats, and micronutrients.
The future of poverty: The hardest tasks are ahead
Jesus calls us toward the places where pain and suffering is deepest. That’s World Vision’s mission. We go to the hurting places, the ragged edges of our world.
Just add clean water, and lives change
With clean water, the difference is clear. Building on decades of expertise and blessed by the support of child sponsors, World Vision is now the leading nongovernmental provider of clean water in the developing world.
From sponsored child to a life of service
Thankful for her child sponsor’s investment, Raquel Feagins now devotes her life to others as a chaplain committed to living out her faith.
Economic empowerment: Helping hardworking parents
When loans transformed a Grace Graka’s life, she transformed her community in Zambia.
Weathering the storm: Child sponsorship leads to better world for children
Can children escape poverty? We think so — with the help of child sponsorship that benefits children, their families, and their communities.
Combating preventable diseases in Uganda, Afghanistan
In Uganda and Afghanistan, volunteers are the front line of health services, helping pregnant women and treating common but potentially fatal diseases.
When the world becomes a classroom
In 2014, the Owens family from California circled the globe to visit their sponsored children and teach their kids about other cultures.
Five tips for praying globally
We tend to want to talk to God about the people and situations we know well, enabling us to pray specifically. It’s a lot harder to lift up the needs in countries you’ve never visited, praying for people and issues you can’t name. Here are some tips for embracing the world God loves in your prayer time.