Starting in 1950 with the Korean War, World Vision has responded to the most urgent disasters and humanitarian crises around the world, providing immediate aid.
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World Vision Magazine
Can you guess where in the world these 16 photos were taken?
Can you guess where in the world each of these 16 photos were taken? Hint: They’re all from places where World Vision works around the globe alongside local staff and partners. Find an answer key at the bottom with links to our country profiles…
It gets worse in one of the world’s worst places — South Sudan
The civil war in South Sudan has left millions of people in need of food. World Vision is on the ground providing food assistance and needs your support.
World Vision expert talks about conflict, hope in South Sudan
Disaster response expert Drew Clark answers questions about violence in South Sudan, challenges of working in a conflict zone, & hope for the war-torn country.
In one of the world’s poorest places, God was already there
At an unforgettable conference for pastors in South Sudan, Marilee Pierce Dunker met extraordinary men and women whose courage and faith continue to inspire her.
Sponsoring a child turns skeptic into a believer
A skeptic in Texas was inspired to sponsor a child. Years later, she had a ‘divine appointment’ in Uganda, making her a believer in child sponsorship forever.
World Vision child sponsorship works
Does child sponsorship work? Wouldn’t it be more efficient to not focus on individual children? Marilee Pierce Dunker finds answers in surprising places.
Sponsorship’s lasting impact on urban families in Bangladesh
How do you change the world for girls in Bangladesh? Sponsorship is a big part of the answer, combatting poverty’s effects by enabling children to pursue education.
Scenes of everyday life in rural Bolivia
Small moments add up to a picture of what rural life is like for people living in Colomi and Soracachi, two towns where World Vision works in Bolivia.
Evolution of child sponsorship through the years
Follow the evolution of child sponsorship at World Vision from caring for orphans in the 1950s to transforming whole communities today.