The hunger crisis of 30 years ago is remembered but unlikely to repeat in Ethiopia’s Antsokia Valley, thanks to effective development work and community engagement.
News & Stories
World Vision Magazine
Olivia’s story: A Zambian sponsored child grows up
Marilee Pierce Dunker, daughter of World Vision’s founder, chronicles her visits over the years with her sponsored child, Olivia, in Zambia.
Texas bikers ride to provide children with clean water
Fort Worth Harley-Davidson store owners Mark and Jennifer Smith convinced a room full of Texan bikers to solve a problem most Americans couldn’t imagine.
A lesson from the 1980s Ethiopia famine: First, we pray
David Ward led the team that set up World Vision feeding centers across Ethiopia during the 1980s famine. He shares the story of the massive relief and rehabilitation program’s improbable beginning.
Reflections and remembrances from a former World Vision U.S. president
Former World Vision U.S. President Bob Seiple reflects on painful anniversaries, from the horror of the Rwanda genocide to orphans in Romania, and redemptive moments.
‘Astounding’ progress in the effort to end poverty
World Vision U.S. President Rich Stearns talks about the progress made in tackling the root causes of poverty — together, we are winning the fight.
Art touches hearts as students ‘step outside of the bubble’
High school art students learn about more than art in Anna Wadman’s class in Westlake Village, California — they also learn about life.
Sponsor changes the heart, mind of sponsored child
When she was a child, World Vision sponsorship set a Thai woman on the path to improving her life, her family’s well-being, and the health in her community.
Some people just shine
Some people just shine. It doesn’t matter where they live, how they dress, or how poor their circumstances. In this Romanian family, the light of hope between father and son is nearly blinding.
Righting wrongs for Romania’s children
MAY 1, 2014, ROMANIA — A quarter-century ago, images of emaciated children locked in Romania’s stark orphanages were broadcast around the world, crying out for a compassionate response. World Vision responded, launching innovative solutions for thousands of orphans — and other vulnerable children as well.