Dr. Paul Osteen, older brother of Pastor Joel Osteen, ministers hands-on, one-to-one, in some of the most remote and poorest parts of the earth.
News & Stories
World Vision Magazine
Harlem Globetrotters begin new partnership with World Vision
The Harlem Globetrotters’ 300 exhibition games in 2014 feature an on-court interactive game about child sponsorship and the opportunity to sponsor a child.
Ethiopia: Forest project gets U.N. carbon credits
A reforestation project that has restored thousands of hectares of land in southwestern Ethiopia has won global recognition by becoming the first on the continent to earn United Nations-administered carbon credits.
Called to compassion: A boy who fled war now helps exploited children
Vinh Chung was 3 years old when he escaped death in a small boat on the South China Sea. Now he’s working to help other children in dire circumstances.
Taiwan: 40 years later, a reunion of love
Marilee Pierce Dunker shares stories from her trip to Taiwan, where her father, Bob Pierce, supported missionary projects in the early 1950s.
Rwanda: 20 years later
APRIL 1, 2014, RWANDA — In 1994, Rwanda was as ruined as any spot on earth after an implosion of violence killed 800,000 people in 100 days. How could the country ever overcome such hatred and horror? It would take a miracle. Through World Vision’s reconciliation programming, healing has given way to hope.
The 1,000th well in Mali marks a clean-water milestone
Villagers celebrated as World Vision’s 1,000th successful borehole drilled in Mali since 2003 brought clean water to the rural village of Yaran.
Our humanity brings us together
World Vision U.S. President Rich Stearns reflects on how we may seem worlds apart from our global neighbors, but we are not as different as we may think. He shares 10-year-old Haya’s song; the lyrics describe the loss, pain, and hope of Syrian refugees.
What’s Keith Richards’ brother-in-law doing for World Vision?
A dream inspired retired carpenter Greg Hansen to bike across America to raise money for World Vision to provide clean water to children and families in Kenya. To date, Greg has raised more than $110,000. Beyond galvanizing the church community, the journey inspired Greg’s rock star brother-in-law, Keith Richards, to give $50,000 to the cause.
Democratic Republic of the Congo: Miracle in the making
Even in communities where need is greatest like Gemena, in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, sponsorship provides a lifeline for thousands of children around the world.