A World Vision employee’s belief in a 9-year-old boy has created changes that continue to ripple in a community in Zambia. His fundraising helped provide the financial support for a community and World Vision to build a clinic furnished with essential equipment to care for people living with HIV and AIDS.
News & Stories
World Vision Magazine
From the World Vision U.S. president: How a garden grows
World Vision works all around the world, including in places where Christianity isn’t welcome. We pray that the seeds of love we plant give way to harvests in future years. Wherever possible, we partner with faith leaders to help spiritually develop and nurture children and families.
4 promises to encourage God’s children in the truth
Read a devotion centered on promises from God’s Word about how we as believers can strengthen each other and be encouraged in our identity as God’s children.
2023 life frames: Storytelling from World Vision photographers
World Vision photographers capture stories of children and their families to inspire us to action and compassion. They capture intimate moments that illuminate God’s grace and faithfulness as we follow Jesus’ example to show unconditional love to the poor and oppressed.
In the kitchen: Moldovan plăcintă recipe
Plăcintă — a pastry stuffed with savory or sweet fillings — offers a tasty comfort-food treat in countries throughout Eastern Europe. In Moldova, whole restaurants are devoted to this delicious popular dish.
Two sisters: Two worlds
In the West African country of Niger, two sisters live dramatically different lives due to birth order and poverty. Could access to clean water give them each a chance to reach their dreams?
Grandmother & granddaughter raise funds for clean water together
Each spring, people from all over the world participate in World Vision’s Global 6K. Their goal? To raise funds for access to clean water. Learn about how a grandmother and granddaughter have bonded over doing the 6K and fundraising together.
What children around the world say brings them joy
Around the world, children find joy in many different ways. For some it’s activities, and for others it’s family and friends. We asked kids in areas where World Vision works what they thought joy was, and here’s how they answered.
From the World Vision U.S. president: In a land of scarcity, amazing generosity
World Vision U.S. President and CEO Edgar Sandoval Sr. traveled to Turkana, Kenya, to see how the organization is helping people affected by the global hunger crisis. While he saw suffering, he also saw hope and resilience.
How I learned to give out of my grief
One woman found joy in supporting World Vision’s work, but when her husband died unexpectedly, she found new meaning in giving a “widow’s offering.” As part of her grieving process, she raised funds to build a water source at a health clinic in Malawi through World Vision.