As you shop for Christmas gifts and send greeting cards, you can also bless your World Vision sponsored child with a letter, package, or Special Gift — and the My World Vision app makes it all easy.
News & Stories
World Vision Magazine
Retired Georgia teacher devotes life to helping children in need
A child sponsor through World Vision since 1962, Annice Whatley has devoted her life to making the world more just for children in need.
Montana girl’s love for glitter sends gifts of hope to children
Seven-year-old Rooney Weidemann of Montana is dedicated to sending hope to families in need by gifting animals through the World Vision Gift Catalog.
California girl’s gifts bloom with hope for other children
Ten-year-old Blakeleigh Snell’s gifts given through the World Vision Gift Catalog help empower children and families to lift themselves out of poverty. “It feels really good to know that I’m helping someone,” Blakeleigh says.
Gardens bring joy to communities in Marafa
Because of World Vision’s child sponsorship–funded programs in Marafa, Kenya, flourishing gardens are a living testament to the hope against the spread of hunger.
World Food Programme’s David Beasley on hunger, poverty, and loving your neighbor
David Beasley, executive director of the World Food Programme, shares his thoughts on fighting hunger during the pandemic, the WFP being awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, and his motivation to serve.
A sponsored child’s family is blessed with new home
Hellen struggled to provide for her five children in Uganda, but when her son Rome, a World Vision sponsored child, received a Special Gift, it changed everything. The family was able to build a new home with a kitchen and a toilet.
From the World Vision U.S. president: The story I’ll tell
World Vision U.S. President and CEO Edgar Sandoval Sr. encourages us that as we gather together and celebrate with loved ones this Christmas season, let’s tell our stories not for our sake but for God’s glory.
Scriptures and hymns to grow your joy this Christmas
Read four weeks of Advent devotionals focused on Scripture and hymns to help center your heart and mind on biblical joy this Christmas.
Igniting a passion for the world
Ninth grade students in Texas embark upon a yearlong journey to become compassionate global leaders with a Biblical worldview. They’ll expand their knowledge as they communicate with their sponsored children — Zambian children who had the opportunity to choose them.