News & Stories

Maternal and Child Health


When a mother dies

What happens when a mother dies? In poorer parts of the world, like the highlands of Papua, Indonesia, a mother’s death can be especially devastating to her family’s livelihood and survival. And in 2015, 760 mothers-to-be died every day. This International Women’s Day, let’s #BeBoldforChange by helping to ensure that poor mothers survive childbirth.


The gift of a baby blanket

Are you ready for Giving Tuesday tomorrow? Early donations today will count toward the Thirty-One Gifts match up to $2 million of product! Blogger Rachel Teodoro writes about the impact this partnership made last year to help keep newborns warm. Read her story and give!


Ending the HIV epidemic: Leaving no young woman behind

As a former physician practicing in a busy maternity ward in a hospital in Africa, Gloria Ekpo has seen the devastation of HIV and AIDS up close. But she’s also seen progress. Learn how World Vision is working to leave no young woman behind and empower them toward an AIDS-free generation!


‘I explored, I understood, and I chose’

Families around the world that make a plan to space out their pregnancies improve the health of both the mothers and children. Today on International Day of Families, meet two moms in India who chose the best plans for their families to help ensure productive futures for their kids!