News & Stories

Maternal and Child Health

Special Features

Net effect

NOV. 1, 2012, MOZAMBIQUE — In malaria-prone Mozambique, two girls live very different lives. One is protected by a mosquito bed net; the other is not. A handful of gossamer threads treated with insecticide makes all the difference.


Dr. Lisa Masterson of “The Doctors” works in Malawi

Dr. Lisa Masterson, a host of the Emmy Award-winning TV series “The Doctors,” traveled to Malawi earlier this year to work with World Vision at a local clinic. Here, she shares about her memorable experience assisting with the delivery of a baby, whose health was made possible through effective prenatal care and education.


What does 7-11 have to do with maternal and child health?

The healthy development of a child starts inside the womb. Consequently, a mother’s health during pregnancy — and how the child is cared for in the first two years of life — are critical to the child’s development. Learn about our 7-11 approach that helps save lives!