The Ethiopia famine from 1983 to 1985, one of the 20th century’s worst famines, led to an outpouring of concern and donations from around the world as well as new monitoring and alerts to prevent future famines.
News & Stories
Child marriage: Facts, FAQs, and how to help end it
Child marriage is a violation of human rights. Marrying as a child compromises a girl’s development and severely limits her opportunities in life. Get the facts about child marriage and learn how you help end it.
Global hunger crisis: “We dare not look away from the situation in Somalia”
As children and families in Somalia face ongoing hunger, food insecurity, and displacement due to the country’s worst drought in decades, World Vision’s emergency communications specialist in Somalia turns to his faith as a source of hope amid the heartache he sees.
Top disasters of 2022
In 2022, World Vision responded to 58 disasters in 57 countries, helping more than 31.1 million people with relief aid they needed to survive. Learn more about some of the top disasters of 2022.
Iraq conflict: Facts, FAQs, and how to help
Why are 1.2 million people displaced in Iraq? Conflict has created an extreme humanitarian crisis. Learn what World Vision is doing to help the children and families recover from years of war in Iraq.
Afghanistan crisis: Hunger in the land
A growing hunger crisis in Afghanistan is devastating children’s lives. Learn how World Vision is continuing to deliver life-saving aid to children and families, as we have done in Afghanistan for 20 years — providing food, healthcare, access to clean water and sanitation and hygiene support, and more.
Ukraine crisis aid worker: Embracing refugees at Romania’s border
Alberto Roca of World Vision’s Romania office is working at the Ukraine border in northeastern Romania, where World Vision is scaling up to support children and families fleeing conflict. He shared his experience with this refugee crisis and what World Vision is doing to respond.
Hunger crisis forces Afghan parents to sell children for food
At least 22.8 million people face a hunger crisis in Afghanistan, where parents are faced with the impossible choice of selling a child for food or seeing their families starve. Learn what World Vision is doing to help families affected by the Afghan hunger crisis.
2021 U.S. tornadoes: Facts, FAQs, and how to help
A series of deadly tornadoes devastated more than 200 miles of the U.S. Midwest and South on December 10, 2021, affecting hundreds of thousands in at least six states. Learn more about the tornadoes and what World Vision is doing to help affected families.
10 of the top disasters in 2021
In 2021, World Vision responded to 72 disasters in 52 countries, helping more than 30.1 million people in crisis — in addition to our ongoing global response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Learn more about some of the worst disasters of 2021.