The global water crisis affects millions of people, with 703 million lacking access to clean water. Explore this critical topic through powerful photos and videos captured by World Vision communicators, and learn how World Vision is responding.
News & Stories
What you need to know about child labor in photos
Child labor deprives children of their childhood, their potential, and their safety, and is harmful to physical and mental development. As many as 160 million children worldwide engaged in child labor in 2020. Let’s explore this important topic through a collection of powerful photos.
What you need to know about the Syrian refugee crisis in photos and videos
The Syrian refugee crisis remains one of the largest refugee and displacement crises of our time. Let’s break this topic down — in photos and videos.
2024 life frames: Storytelling from World Vision photographers
World Vision photographers capture stories of children and their families to inspire us toward action and compassion. These moments in time illuminate God’s grace and faithfulness as we work together to end extreme poverty in His name.
In photos: 23 moments to remember
In 2023, the harsh realities of conflict, displacement, natural disaster, and extreme hunger impacted the lives of millions of people worldwide. As World Vision responded, we witnessed moments of both hardship and hope. See the incredible images of resilience, determination, and even joy that World Vision’s communicators were able to capture in this extraordinary year.
Photos: Christmas around the world
Through sponsorship, children around the world feel the hope of Jesus during the Christmas season, though the holiday manifests in various ways around the world. In this collection of photos from nine different countries, we honor each of these children and their Christmas experiences.
A new Gilgal in Kenya
A photographer shares how World Vision child sponsorship has transformed a community in Kenya over 15 years by reflecting on what he saw on two different trips.
In photos: 22 memorable moments from 2022
In 2022, war in Ukraine made refugees of millions, disrupted crop exports, and sent food and fuel prices soaring in many parts of the world. This, combined with the lingering impacts of COVID-19, extreme weather conditions, and ongoing unrest in many countries, left millions of people globally on the verge of famine. Despite such dire circumstances, World Vision photographers witnessed many moments of joy and strength in communities where we work around the world. Here are 22 of our favorites.
What children around the world say brings them joy
Around the world, children find joy in many different ways. For some it’s activities, and for others it’s family and friends. We asked kids in areas where World Vision works what they thought joy was, and here’s how they answered.
2022 life frames: Storytelling from World Vision photographers
World Vision photographers capture stories of children and their families to inspire us to action and compassion. They capture intimate moments that illuminate God’s grace and faithfulness as we follow Jesus’ example to show unconditional love to the poor and oppressed.