Alligators in the toilet? Maybe the urban legend is not so far-fetched. Cobras, scorpions, slippery rocks, and high tides are among the daily hazards people face answering nature’s call.
News & Stories
All around the world, kids love games
Whether they live in a rural African village or American suburbs, kids are kids — and kids everywhere love games. Some of these games of jump rope, marbles, and tag might not appear at the Olympics, but the children playing them are champions to us.
Rubber trees transform a family’s life in India
From start to finish, rubber trees change the lives of a family in India. View photos of how they tap their rubber trees to the finished product.
Meet the makers — entrepreneurs from around the world
Meet men and women who are making a living with their hands — from colorful candy in the Dominican Republic to beaded jewelry in Tanzania. Then join us in praying for these artists and creators around the world.
Mother’s Day: Celebrating moms around the world
From Honduras to Bangladesh, we’re wishing a happy Mother’s Day to all kinds of moms around the world. Check out these photos and help us celebrate mothers!
Syrian refugee children: A story in 23 photos
If you could see through the eyes of a Syrian refugee child, what would life look like? See what life is like in a tent settlement in Lebanon.
Life frames: Our favorite photos of 2015
World Vision’s photographers captured thousands of moments in 2015. Here are their favorite photos — and the stories behind them.
A day in the life of a sponsored child in Mongolia
Yaks, gers, camels, chores, and school — all part of daily life for 12-year-old Dulamsuren, a World Vision sponsored child in Mongolia.
We believe in children — the smiles of happy, thriving children
World Vision believes in God’s calling to care for children, to protect them and help them flourish. When they do, they smile, learn, explore, and enjoy being kids.
From heartbreak to hope: 65 years of disaster response
Starting in 1950 with the Korean War, World Vision has responded to the most urgent disasters and humanitarian crises around the world, providing immediate aid.