News & Stories


From the Field

Venezuela crisis: Facts, FAQs, and how to help

Ongoing turmoil and economic decline in Venezuela since 2014 have driven more than 7.7 million people from the country in search of food, work, and better living conditions. While the influx from Venezuela has caused tensions in host countries, it’s also brought out their hospitable spirit. Learn how World Vision is supporting children and families across the region impacted by the Venezuela crisis.

From the Field

Rohingya refugee crisis: Facts, FAQs, and how to help

Since 2017, nearly 1 million Rohingya people have fled their homes in Myanmar to escape violence. Now living in refugee camps in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh, they rely on humanitarian aid to survive. Over half of the refugee population are children. Learn more about the ongoing Rohingya crisis and how World Vision is helping.

From the Field

DRC conflict: Facts, FAQs, and how to help

A recent surge in violence in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) threatens the lives of millions of children who are already suffering from hunger, disease outbreaks, natural disasters, and poverty. Learn more about the DRC’s conflict and current situation and about World Vision’s response to help impacted children and families.

Change Makers

What does the Bible say about refugees and displaced people?

You won’t find the word “refugee” in the Bible, but there are principles in God’s Word for how His people are to treat those who are called “strangers,” “foreigners,” and “sojourners” in our translations. In Matthew 25, Jesus says that how we treat “strangers” indicates whether or not we are His followers. Disciples’ behavior should include hospitality to strangers. And the New Testament epistles use the term “strangers” as a metaphor for our status before we professed faith in Jesus Christ.

From the Field

Celebrating Easter in a time of war

Orthodox Easter celebrations across Eastern Europe involve the passing of the holy fire from priest to congregation. Then people arrive to receive blessings on baskets of food, which they eat from to break their Lenten fast. In 2022, those ceremonies took on even more significance as churches and Moldovans welcomed refugees from Ukraine.