As the world’s leading nongovernmental provider of clean water in the developing world, World Vision is reaching one new person every 10 seconds with clean water and one new person with handwashing promotion as well. Learn about five examples of our water work around the world.
News & Stories
10 years on, the voices of 10 Syrian youth
To mark the 10th year of the conflict in Syria, we’re sharing the voices of 10 Syrian youth. Each reflects on what their life is like now and their dreams for the future.
How World Vision fights the secondary effects of COVID-19
COVID-19 poses new challenges to World Vision, but our 37,000 staff and communities worldwide are working together to bring hope to children and families. We’re fighting the secondary effects of the disease — the economic, social, and long-term health impacts.
In the kitchen: Middle Eastern cheese pastry recipe
Try this recipe for savory cheese pastries, which are helping nourish 30,000 Syrian child refugees in Zaatari and Azraq refugee camps in Jordan.
6 of the worst disasters in 2019
From monster storms to civil wars and droughts, here are six of the worst disasters in 2019 that have affected millions of people around the world.
Syrian refugee children find hope in thankfulness
We asked seven Syrian refugee children in Lebanon what they are thankful for; their answers were surprisingly similar and deeply humbling.
Venezuelan girl excels in school after toiling on Colombian streets
Jheyde, 13, is among more than 1 million Venezuelans in Colombia who left because of hunger and poverty. She finally found stability and success in school.
Boy’s family goes hungry in Colombia so he can pursue dream
Venezuela is in crisis. The economy has collapsed, and an uprising of political opposition to President Nicolas Maduro has put the country’s leadership in question. Armando is one of more than 4 million Venezuelans — 5,000 per day in 2018 — who have left the country seeking food, work, and a better life.
Innovative solutions help refugees in need worldwide
Through innovative responses to refugee crises, World Vision is investing in a better life today and a better future for refugees, especially children. Learn what innovation solutions World Vision is implementing in refugee camps.
Venezuela migrants share their stories about why they left
Every Venezuela migrant has a deeply personal story about why and how they left their country. They say after months and years of struggling to make ends meet, there came a turning point. Discover some of their stories.