News & Stories

Child Sponsorship


Dear Rick and Becky, I hope you get to read this one day

Rick and Becky sponsor 12-year-old Menua in Armenia. When the World Vision bloggers traveled to Armenia, we met Menua and his mother, Anoush. Find out the difference Rick and Becky are making in Menua’s life and how important their letters are to him … and read a reply from Becky!

Special Features

Peru’s moving past

MAY 1, 2015, PERU — Once, Quechua people were invisible. Then they were victims. Those who survived were marginalized. From 1980 to 2000, families in the Andean highlands were easy prey for Shining Path terrorists and the military. Both claimed to fight for them even while they killed them: peasant or terrorist — what’s the difference? Good has emerged from the horror. With World Vision standing with them, Quechua have become citizens. They’ve found the courage to speak truth. Today, they are part of Peru’s future.