The son of subsistence farmers, a former sponsored child in Mozambique now teaches his community to grow crops for better nutrition.
News & Stories
Child Sponsorship
The software of child sponsorship
World Vision U.S. President Rich Stearns reflects on the hardware and software of child sponsorship that make World Vision’s work sustainable.
Speaking love through soccer balls and bear hugs
Our second day in Guatemala, the World Vision bloggers had the amazing opportunity to meet the children they sponsor! Shelby Zacharias describes meeting 8-year-old Gerson for the first time.
Former sponsored child makes Guatemala’s national orchestra
As a sponsored child in World Vision’s Children’s Center for Artistic Development and music program in Guatemala, Hector began playing the cello. Now at only 18, he plays with Guatemala’s national orchestra!
Postcards, pencils, and chocolate!
Marilee Pierce Dunker, daughter of World Vision’s founder Bob Pierce, reflects on how staff members who were once sponsored children themselves find World Vision as their way of giving back and passing on the blessing they once received.
Child sponsors: Shipping joy around the world
Last month, we asked our Facebook followers to tell us what kinds of gifts and packages they send to their sponsored children around the world. See the loving and creative ways that our child sponsors have found to ship joy across the globe — and receive joy in return!
Former sponsored child in Bangladesh aims higher
Growing up in Dhaka, Bangladesh, Razia Akter’s greatest wish was to escape the harsh reality of her family’s poverty. She dreamed of becoming a NASA astronaut and traveling to the moon. But it was child sponsorship and education that launched her out of desperate circumstances. And she landed not on the moon but in a bank — still light years from where she started.
Selvin at their service: Honduran boy helps improve community health
Traditionally the hard work of a community has been left to adults. But in western Honduras, one boy isn’t waiting to grow up to serve his community. At age 12, Selvin Garcia, a World Vision sponsored child, has seen more than his share of hardships, yet he is taking a leading role in bringing health and progress to his community.
Archery allows sponsored child to take aim in right direction
In 2007, Preaw, a former World Vision sponsored child, represented Thailand in the 24th Southeast Asian Games, where she won a bronze medal in recurve archery at a shooting distance of 70 meters. Next came the World Archery and Para Archery Championships in 2011 — and she’s not done yet.
[Video] Sheila Walsh: Seeing the bigger picture
World Vision Artist speaker, author, Bible teacher, and singer Sheila Walsh writes about a recent trip to Ethiopia where she met one of her sponsored children and saw the bigger picture of what child sponsorship is all about.