Aug. 1, 2014 — Knowing how to pray for young people in poverty isn’t always easy. Here’s a way you and your child can use daily activities to learn about and pray for children around the world.
News & Stories
Clean Water
Olivia’s story: A Zambian sponsored child grows up
Marilee Pierce Dunker, daughter of World Vision’s founder, chronicles her visits over the years with her sponsored child, Olivia, in Zambia.
Texas bikers ride to provide children with clean water
Fort Worth Harley-Davidson store owners Mark and Jennifer Smith convinced a room full of Texan bikers to solve a problem most Americans couldn’t imagine.
Clean water changes everything
When drilling teams strike water, entire villages erupt in celebration! All because clean water changes everything for people like Emmanuel in Ghana.
The 1,000th well in Mali marks a clean-water milestone
Villagers celebrated as World Vision’s 1,000th successful borehole drilled in Mali since 2003 brought clean water to the rural village of Yaran.
Celebrating 1 billion liters of clean water
Dr. Greg Allgood, vice president for World Vision water, writes about the miracles he’s experienced along his journey with World Vision and P&G to provide 1 billion liters of clean drinking water. To mark this milestone, he announces new plans for the future of our work.
New journey for former pastor after run across America
For five months, 50-year-old Steve Spear wrestled with the daunting physical, spiritual, and logistical challenges of running 3,081 miles as they collided with the weighty implications of his goal to raise $1.5 million to provide clean water for 30,000 people in Kenya. Find out what happened and what’s next for him!
What’s Keith Richards’ brother-in-law doing for World Vision?
A dream inspired retired carpenter Greg Hansen to bike across America to raise money for World Vision to provide clean water to children and families in Kenya. To date, Greg has raised more than $110,000. Beyond galvanizing the church community, the journey inspired Greg’s rock star brother-in-law, Keith Richards, to give $50,000 to the cause.
Wisconsin walkers raise money for clean water in Kenya
A Wisconsin couple launched a fundraiser called “8 Miles for Water” in recognition of Sabina, a Kenyan woman who walked eight miles each day for water.
Bill and Chelsea Clinton visit a Rwanda water project
Former President Bill Clinton and his daughter, Chelsea Clinton, got a personal look at the toll of unsafe water on a community as part of their visit to Groupe Scholaire Camp Kanombe primary school in Kigali, Rwanda.