Discover the reasons for hope in children’s healthcare advancements, and how World Vision is leading the way in boosting the health of kids worldwide. Learn about our latest efforts to enhance access to healthcare and how we’re making a positive impact on vulnerable children’s lives.
News & Stories
Clean Water
Cholera: Facts, FAQs, and how to help
Cholera, caused by the Vibrio cholerae bacteria, is on the rise globally due to conflict, poverty, disasters, and lack of access to clean water and safely managed sanitation. Learn more about cholera and how to help people at risk.
Two sisters: Two worlds
In the West African country of Niger, two sisters live dramatically different lives due to birth order and poverty. Could access to clean water give them each a chance to reach their dreams?
Clean water helps Sarah reconsider marrying too young
When Sarah lost her father in 2010, her life took a drastic turn for the worse. The family went hungry, not cooking because they tried to limit their water usage. Challenges like these combined to make Sarah consider marrying young as a way out of the troubles. In 2020 her waiting paid off when World Vision drilled a borehole in her community. Now she concentrates on school and doesn’t even consider marrying at this time.
Grandmother & granddaughter raise funds for clean water together
Each spring, people from all over the world participate in World Vision’s Global 6K. Their goal? To raise funds for access to clean water. Learn about how a grandmother and granddaughter have bonded over doing the 6K and fundraising together.
In photos: 22 memorable moments from 2022
In 2022, war in Ukraine made refugees of millions, disrupted crop exports, and sent food and fuel prices soaring in many parts of the world. This, combined with the lingering impacts of COVID-19, extreme weather conditions, and ongoing unrest in many countries, left millions of people globally on the verge of famine. Despite such dire circumstances, World Vision photographers witnessed many moments of joy and strength in communities where we work around the world. Here are 22 of our favorites.
11 reasons to have hope in 2023
Head into the new year with 11 reasons to have hope in 2023 — read about global development progress and ways World Vision’s work is empowering vulnerable kids and families to overcome poverty.
How I learned to give out of my grief
One woman found joy in supporting World Vision’s work, but when her husband died unexpectedly, she found new meaning in giving a “widow’s offering.” As part of her grieving process, she raised funds to build a water source at a health clinic in Malawi through World Vision.
Hunger is more than just food
Food insecurity, hunger, and malnutrition are driven by more than lack of food alone. Inadequate access to clean water, sanitation, and hygiene can intensify hunger. Conflict, extreme weather, and COVID-19 are destroying livelihoods, pushing access to nutritious food out of reach for people in need.
Walking the Global 6K in honor of my son
A World Vision staff member shares her story of walking World Vision’s Global 6K for Water in honor of the son she lost, so that mothers around the world might not suffer that same kind of grief.