Research & Publications

253 resources found

Somalia Groundwater Monitoring Project Summary

Somalia Groundwater Monitoring Project Summary

The WASH Accelerator Fund is a strategic funding initiative to accelerate and deepen achievements under World Vision's 2021-2025 Global Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) Business Plan. Motivated by learnings from a smaller

Mali WASH in Healthcare Facilities Project Summary

Mali WASH in Healthcare Facilities Project Summary

The goal of the Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) in Healthcare Facilities project was to provide 100% of 40 healthcare facilities in the Kolokani and Koro districts in Mali with sustainable WASH

Tuberculosis Sector Summary

Tuberculosis Sector Summary

World Vision is committed to identifying and treating TB in communities where we work and continues to invest in TB control with the goal of TB elimination. This includes introducing innovative approaches

Nutrition Sector Summary

Nutrition Sector Summary

World Vision works to positively affect behavior change and strengthen systems that directly impact the nutritional needs of households and communities. Behaviors stem from social and cultural norms, practices, and knowledge, and

Neglected Tropical Diseases Sector Summary

Neglected Tropical Diseases Sector Summary

World Vision has over 25 years of global experience in the mass distribution of deworming treatments and other medicines (including gifts-in-kind of albendazole - ALB, mebendazole, zithromax and other antibiotics, mectizan, praziquantel

Malaria Sector Summary

Malaria Sector Summary

World Vision supports rapid scale-up for universal coverage of ITNs through our existing community networks using various distribution models. ITNs are particularly advantageous for rural and hard-to-reach populations where the logistical and

Zambia Survive 2 Thrive (S2T) Project Summary

Zambia Survive 2 Thrive (S2T) Project Summary

The overall goal of the Survive 2 Thrive project is to promote the survival of children under 5 in the Luwingu district in the Northern Province of Zambia. Luwingu was selected as

Partners for a Malaria Free Zambia Project Summary

Partners for a Malaria Free Zambia Project Summary

The PFMFZ Programs of Scale’s goal is to significantly reduce malaria transmission and mortality in ten high-burden malaria districts in Central and Muchinga provinces by leveraging simple, sustainable, and evidence-based approaches for

Zambia Multiple Micronutrient Supplementation Project (ZMMS) Project Summary

Zambia Multiple Micronutrient Supplementation Project (ZMMS) Project Summary

This initiative implements a research-at-scale project that will include a cost-benefit analysis, a supply readiness assessment, baseline to end line surveys, and a budget impact analysis for ongoing provision of MMS (Multiple