Research & Publications

253 resources found

Bangladesh Food Security for Refugee Camps and Host Communities Project Summary

Bangladesh Food Security for Refugee Camps and Host Communities Project Summary

World Vision, in partnership with USAID's Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance, implemented integrated interventions and supported Forcibly Displaced Myanmar Nationals as well as host community households in the Teknaf and Ukhiya sub-district of

Bangladesh Nobo Jatra Project Summary

Bangladesh Nobo Jatra Project Summary

Nobo Jatra (New Beginning in Bangla), funded by USAID, aimed to improve gender-equitable food security, nutrition, and resilience in southwest Bangladesh. World Vision, together with the World Food Programme (WFP), Winrock International,

Faith and Development Sector Summary

Faith and Development Sector Summary

As a faith-based, child-focused, community-empowering organization, World Vision has worked to improve child well-being by effectively engaging with faith leaders and faith-based organizations across decades. These leaders and organizations then influence their

Counter-trafficking in Persons Capacity Statement

Counter-trafficking in Persons Capacity Statement

World Vision adopts an integrated and holistic transformational development approach to programming for the most vulnerable children, rooted in desire for wholeness of life for children, their families, and their communities. World

Child Labor Brief

Child Labor Brief

World Vision respects the dignity, uniqueness, and intrinsic worth of every person, stands in solidarity in a common search for justice, and is called to serve the most vulnerable children and their

Child Protection Sector Summary

Child Protection Sector Summary

World Vision empowers families and communities to keep children safe and equips them to provide support services when children are abused. Our child protection programs strengthen the systems (laws, services, and capacities

Healthy Relationships for a Violence-Free Future Project Summary

Healthy Relationships for a Violence-Free Future Project Summary

Healthy Relationships for a Violence-Free Future is the first USAID-funded project for World Vision Timor-Leste. It uses the People-to-People approach, which focuses on communities where societal forces have damaged or severed the

Thailand Counter Trafficking in Persons (CTIP) Project Summary

Thailand Counter Trafficking in Persons (CTIP) Project Summary

Building upon the networks, partnerships and results achieved under the first phase of the USAID Thailand CTIP Project, World Vision is expanding on, deepening, and strengthening evidence-based approaches to policy advocacy. The

Senegal Governance for Local Development (GOLD) Project Summary

Senegal Governance for Local Development (GOLD) Project Summary

World Vision partnered with RTI International on the Governance for Local Development (GOLD) project, a five-year cooperative agreement to support the Government of Senegal’s (GOS’s) decentralization program. World Vision's objective was to