Research & Publications

253 resources found

Government of Ethiopia’s public works and complementary programmes: A mixed-methods study on pathways to reduce intimate partner violence

Government of Ethiopia’s public works and complementary programmes: A mixed-methods study on pathways to reduce intimate partner violence

Abstract: There is evidence that cash transfers reduce intimate partner violence (IPV), but less is known about the impacts of public works and complementary programmes on IPV. Using mixed-methods we examined whether

Differences in the early impact of COVID-19 on food security and livelihoods in rural and urban areas in the Asia Pacific Region

Differences in the early impact of COVID-19 on food security and livelihoods in rural and urban areas in the Asia Pacific Region

Abstract: The World Vision Asia Pacific office administered a “Rapid Recovery Assessment” among World Vision-supported selected rural and urban communities in 14 countries throughout the Asia-Pacific region in May–June 2020. The assessment

COVID-19 school closures and adolescent mental health: Evidence from Mozambique

COVID-19 school closures and adolescent mental health: Evidence from Mozambique

In this project surveying 7th graders, we explore the relationship between variation in pandemic-related shocks and educational policies and adolescent student well-being. Respondents reported facing a range of household shocks, and some experienced

Community action, levers of change: Reorienting more inclusive and resilient local food systems

Community action, levers of change: Reorienting more inclusive and resilient local food systems

Food and market systems consistently evolve requiring astute management by suppliers to remain competitive. To meet this challenge, World Vision invests in smallholder farmer entrepreneurship. Through training, mentoring and technical support to

A gender-responsive approach to natural resources

A gender-responsive approach to natural resources

Promoting gender equality and women’s empowerment in environmental natural resource management (NRM) creates sustainable benefits for households and communities while advancing human and environmental health and wellbeing outcomes. However, many of the

A behavioural livelihoods approach to address psychosocial constraints to empowerment

A behavioural livelihoods approach to address psychosocial constraints to empowerment

Abstract: Little is known about psychosocial or ‘internal’ behaviours that can perpetuate chronic poverty and how to alleviate them in development programmes. This paper presents a conceptual and evaluation framework examining the

Understanding ‘Celebrating Families’ contribution to family well-being: Key findings from Afghanistan, Myanmar, and Tanzania case studies

Understanding ‘Celebrating Families’ contribution to family well-being: Key findings from Afghanistan, Myanmar, and Tanzania case studies

Celebrating Families seeks to ensure that all families enjoy positive and loving relationships and have hope for the future. It supports families as places that allow children to experience the ‘love of

Promising practices in implementing accelerated and remedial education in the Covid-19 response

Promising practices in implementing accelerated and remedial education in the Covid-19 response

World Vision's Catch Up Program (CUP) has been featured as a 'Promising Practice in Accelerated and Remedial Education' case study by USAID's edu-links.  This research was conducted by the University of Auckland

WASH Programming from World Vision 14-country Evaluation

WASH Programming from World Vision 14-country Evaluation

In 2017, World Vision and the Water Institute at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (WI) conducted an evaluation of World Vision's water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) programs in 14