Research & Publications

253 resources found

Sanitary inspection, microbial water quality analysis, and water safety in handpumps in rural sub-Saharan Africa

Sanitary inspection, microbial water quality analysis, and water safety in handpumps in rural sub-Saharan Africa

Abstract: In sub-Saharan Africa, over half of the population is exposed to contaminated drinking water. The WHO recommends both sanitary inspection and water quality analysis to assess the risk of water source

The role of piped-water supplies in advancing health, economic development, and gender equality in rural communities

The role of piped-water supplies in advancing health, economic development, and gender equality in rural communities

Abstract: In rural areas of sub-Saharan Africa, one in eight households obtain drinking water from a piped system; the rest fetch water from improved and unimproved sources located at some distance from their

Environmental conditions in maternity wards: Evidence from rural healthcare facilities in 14 low- and middle-income countries

Environmental conditions in maternity wards: Evidence from rural healthcare facilities in 14 low- and middle-income countries

Abstract: Adequate environmental conditions, comprising sufficient environmental hygiene items (e.g. gloves, soap, and disinfectant), adequate infrastructure (e.g. sanitation facilities, water supply), a clean environment, and hygienic behaviors in healthcare facilities (HCFs) are

Factors associated with water quality, sanitation, and hygiene in rural schools in 14 low- and middle-income countries

Factors associated with water quality, sanitation, and hygiene in rural schools in 14 low- and middle-income countries

Abstract: Improving access to water, sanitation, and hygiene (WaSH) and menstrual hygiene management (MHM) in schools is important to achieve Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 3 and 6. Inadequate WaSH and MHM in schools adversely affect

Burma Anti-Trafficking in Persons (A/TIP) Phase II

Burma Anti-Trafficking in Persons (A/TIP) Phase II

The Burma Anti-Trafficking in Persons (A/TIP) Phase II project is a follow-on to the original Burma ATIP Project that ended January 30, 2019. The goal of Phase II is to increase the

Impact of War on Ukraine’s Children: A Child Protection Report

Impact of War on Ukraine’s Children: A Child Protection Report

Since February, 7.5 million children from Ukraine have been victims of the largest human displacement crisis in the world today, with lasting consequences for generations to come. Attacks with explosive weapons in

Invisible and Forgotten: Displaced Children Hungrier and More at Risk Than Ever

Invisible and Forgotten: Displaced Children Hungrier and More at Risk Than Ever

Forcibly displaced children are paying the price for the international community’s failure to address the root causes of conflict, climate change, and hunger. They are some of humanity’s most vulnerable people and

It Takes Malawi: Sharing Impact Stories From Advocacy and Child Protection

It Takes Malawi: Sharing Impact Stories From Advocacy and Child Protection

We believe in the power of one voice — its ability to do the impossible, overcome inequality, challenge harmful behaviors and call for justice for children. We mobilize, amplify and harness voices

Hard Lessons: Protection Risks of Children with Disabilities in Syria 

Hard Lessons: Protection Risks of Children with Disabilities in Syria 

After 12 years of conflict, the Syrian crisis remains one of the world’s largest refugee and displacement events of recent times. Girls and boys who are now IDPs in Syria, or refugees