From the Field

In the kitchen: Mundyoli recipe

Zambian children share a lunch of nshima, boiled greens, and mundyoli.
Serving up a bowl of mundyoli
A Zambian mother serves a bowl of mundyoli to her children for lunch. (©2019 World Vision/photo by Laura Reinhardt)

Peanuts, or groundnuts as they’re known in Zambia, are a delicious source of protein. Families also dry leafy vegetables as a way of preserving the greens after the harvest.

They pound peanuts and dried pumpkin leaves into a fine powder, add water, then boil together over a fire to create a delicious dish known as mundyoli.

A family in southern Zambia would enjoy this dish for lunch along with a generous helping of nshima and a side dish of boiled greens.

Mundyoli recipe for American kitchens:


  • 6 oz. baby spinach
  • 4 T peanut butter
  • 1/4 – 1/2 c. water
  • 2 t. olive oil
  • Salt
  • Garlic powder


  1. Sauté spinach in olive oil until the greens wilt.
  2. Put sautéed spinach in a food processor along with peanut butter and blend together until greens are finely chopped, but still have some chunkiness.
  3. Put the greens mixture into a saucepan and add ¼ cup water. Add more water if the mixture seems too thick. Heat until the mix starts to boil. Add salt and garlic powder to taste.
  4. Serve alone or over a grain of your choice.

Read more recipes from around the worldDid you make any of these dishes? We want to see pictures! Send your photos to us at [email protected] or tag us @worldvisionusa on Instagram or Facebook.


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