Welcome to the World Vision U.S. Programs Training Center!
Below you will find resources and e-learning videos on a variety of topics.
We are thankful for everyone who is working to improve the lives of children and youth — and we want to support the great work that you’re doing!
Child Protection for Church Leaders, Staff, and Volunteers
In this section you will learn about the benefits of having strong child protection policies and procedures in place, how to evaluate your organizations effectiveness at keeping children, volunteers, staff, and the organization itself safe, and what information should be included in a policy and procedure.
Download and use these additional tools and resources to help you implement what you learned in the training.
Disaster Readiness Training for Church Leaders
In this section you’ll learn about the initial skills and resources it takes to mitigate preventable disasters and respond to natural disasters when they strike your community.
Reading Fundamentals for Afterschool Program Staff and Volunteers
Learn the five fundamental reading skills of good readers: phonemic awareness, phonics, vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension. Practice instructional activities and games you can use to increase your students’ skill-level in each of the skill areas.
Download and use these additional tools and resources to help you implement what you learned in the training.
Afterschool Programming
Afterschool programs can be so much more than “homework help”. In as little as one hour a week, a healthy academic mentoring relationship can have a long-lasting positive impact on the life of a child. Many churches and nonprofit organizations are looking for ways to meaningfully connect with the schools and families in their community – especially the most vulnerable – and running an afterschool program is a great “door opener”. The resources provided by World Vision are designed to equip afterschool program leaders and tutors with the skills and tools needed to run an effective and sustainable program.
Download and use these tools and resources.
Child Well-Being and Poverty
What does well-being for children look like? Explore World Vision’s resources and discover how children and youth in your community experience well-being. Be challenged to consider how your definition and perception of those living in poverty can influence your response.
Download and use these resources.
Community Youth Development for Youth Workers and Leaders
Go “Beyond the Walls of your Building” and learn about different approaches to youth work, with a special emphasis on one approach that you may not have heard of before, called Community Youth Development. This training is designed to give you a good understanding of what Community Youth Development is; and be inspired to incorporate practices of Community Youth Development into your program.
Download and use these additional tools and resources to help you implement what you learned in the training.
Creative Activism for Youth and their Allies
Learn how to raise awareness on issues affecting your community—or that you are passionate about—in a way that leads people to take action!
Download and use these additional tools and resources to help you implement what you learned in the training.
Youth-Adult Partnerships for Youth Workers, Leaders, and Youth
Youth and Adults working together in true partnership is a powerful tool that leads to sustained community transformation, greater youth engagement, and mutual transformation to name a few. Learn more about healthy youth-adult partnerships, including practical ways your organization can engage youth as partners.
Download and use these additional tools and resources to help you implement what you learned in the training.