Empowering Vulnerable Children with Education (EVE) Project Summary

In Zambia, World Vision is working to ensure vulnerable children stay in school and fully realize the transforming power of an education. From 2022 to 2025 in the Namwala District, the Empowering Vulnerable Children with Education (EVE) Project will help 7,000 children stay in school by addressing critical risk factors that contribute to school dropout. Among those 6 years and older in Zambia, 60% of females and 54% of males have no education or only some primary education. In 2019, Namwala District had a school dropout rate of 5.3% (about 2,000 learners yearly), compared to the national rate of 1.8%. A national school census found that roughly 70% of learners who leave school do so for economic reasons, marriage (for girls), child labor, teenage pregnancy, and loss of parents. In Namwala, other contributing factors include a long distance to school and a poor learning environment. The EVE Project will increase retention of children in primary education through pursuit of three intermediate results: Increased parent and community support for retention of children in school; increased teacher capacity to support at-risk students; and a better learning environment through physical improvements and psychosocial support.

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