South Kivu Food Security Project Summary

The Food Security Project (FSP), Enyanya (“Going Higher” in Mashi and Havu), funded by USAID’s Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance, is a multi-sectoral response to improve economic, health, and local governance in nine health areas of Kabare and Kalehe in South Kivu in eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). This area is recovering from the effects of years of violent conflict. The response is structured under four main pillars: agriculture and economic development; health; nutrition; and water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) and good governance—with the cross-cutting theme of gender and youth, to ensure sustainable inclusion by integrating women into local economic recovery structures and systems.

World Vision implements the FSP in a consortium led by Mercy Corps and in partnership with Action Pour la Paix et la Concorde, L’Université Evangelique en Afrique, Reseau d’innovation Organisationnelle, and the DRC government (Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of
Health, Ministry of Decentralization, Ministry of Gender).

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