Kenya WASH Capacity Statement

This capacity statement summarizes World Vision’s water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) programming in Kenya, highlighting four priority intervention areas: water supply and quality; sanitation and hygiene; governance and finance; and water security and resilience. Our work in Kenya started in 1974, providing hope and assistance to children and communities. Since then, World Vision has engaged in WASH activities in a variety of settings—households, communities, schools, healthcare facilities, remote rural settings, urban areas, emergencies, and in fragile contexts. Today, World Vision operates in 23 of 47 counties, with WASH programming in 20 sub-counties. World Vision’s community-based approach and 47-year presence in the country give us the longevity and experience to take quality, sustainable WASH interventions to scale.

We are proud to be reviewed and held accountable by these independent third-party organizations:

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