WASH Behavior Change Capacity Statement

During the last seven years (2016 to 2022), World Vision reached nearly 25.5 million people
with clean water, 18.4 million with improved sanitation, and 31.7 million with hygiene
promotion. As part of this effort, over these same seven years, World Vision and its partners
mobilized more than 3 million households to construct sanitation facilities, which resulted
in 21,150 communities being certified as Open Defecation Free. In addition, basic sanitation
facilities were constructed in 5,535 schools and nearly 2,000 healthcare facilities (HCFs), and
basic hygiene facilities were provided in 28,325 schools and 8,560 HCFs.

To address areas for growth based on learnings from our 14-country WASH evaluation, World Vision identified priority WASH behaviors in households, schools, and HCFs to help maintain health, ensure cleanliness, and prevent the spread of disease. Dedicated approaches to behavior change are guided by locally contextualized programming to alter social perceptions and norms, and to drive the adaptation of physical environments required to see sustained WASH impact.

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