FAO Mainstreaming Nutrition & GESI within Food Systems Programming Project Summary

The MNG-FS project aims to improve the capacities of key stakeholders to mainstream gender equality and social inclusion (GESI) and nutrition interventions as a means to advance and strengthen food security, livelihoods, social protection programs, and resilience for marginalized individuals and communities. Using our behavioral change core models and GESI approach, World Vision will lead in engagement and training in five targeted countries, building upon previous activities in food systems.

Backstopping and technical support will help develop the capacities of key country stakeholders to mainstream GESI considerations with nutrition in the design and implementation of agri-food systems actions (with an intentional focus on the needs of the most vulnerable). This project builds on previous work with FAO to mainstream nutrition in key agriculture sub-sectors of five priority countries — Eswatini, Ghana, Kenya, Uganda, and Zimbabwe — using a food systems approach. A technical report will document and distribute adaptive management findings to further mainstream gender and social inclusion in food systems development approaches.

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