Act to End NTDs | West Program (Act | West) Project Summary

USAID’s Act to End NTDs | West Program (Act | West) supports neglected tropical disease (NTD) elimination and control efforts in 11 countries as well as activities aimed at mainstreaming NTD priorities and functions into national health systems.

As a technical partner, World Vision is implementing a country-specific approach that focuses on cross-sector coordination and health system strengthening that supports health ministries and national NTD programs to effectively engage national stakeholders in fostering multisector partnership and collaboration. These efforts aim to define and implement approaches for integrating NTD services into existing delivery platforms across the health system and NTD-adjacent sectors, setting foundations to increase access to NTD services through integration in national health insurance and universal health coverage policies and institutionalizing cross-sector collaboration in government systems across programming, strategies, and policies.

World Vision actively supports Ghana, Mali, Niger, and Senegal and previously supported Sierra Leone (FY19-FY21). World Vision also provides on-demand technical support to Benin, Burkina
Faso, Cameroon, Cote d’Ivoire, Guinea, and Togo.

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