Tuberculosis Sector Summary

World Vision is committed to identifying and treating TB in communities where we work and continues to invest in TB control with the goal of TB elimination. This includes introducing innovative approaches in detecting and treating TB cases, especially for children and other vulnerable groups. Projects focus on health system strengthening and community systems strengthening using an advocacy and social mobilization approach to increase case finding, diagnosis, and directly observed treatment short-course (DOTS) enrollment. World Vision also
increasingly supports diagnosis and treatment for multi-drug resistant (MDR) TB as well as HIV-TB co-infection.

A long-term ally in the national TB response in many countries, World Vision has empowered communities through leadership, technical and vocational trainings, advocacy with local leaders, organizing community volunteers, linking communities to local health providers, and providing direct support to TB patients and their families. World Vision is also partnering with a number of local non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and faith-based organizations to build and strengthen their capacity to respond to the TB epidemic, in addition to establishing strong community-facility linkages.

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