Faith in Action: Power of Faith Leaders to Fight a Pandemic

When the world thinks of the roll-out of COVID-19 vaccines, the faces that come to mind are those of doctors, nurses, health ministers, and politicians. But also essential in the battle to end the pandemic are an invisible population of faith leaders, including pastors, priests, and imams, who are active in countries and communities around the globe. Faith plays a role in the lives and behaviors of 84% of the world’s population. As trusted community members with vital social, access and spiritual capital, faith leaders can exercise considerable positive influence in many communities during the current crisis.

As a Christian organization, we have spent decades building meaningful, trusted relationships with faith leaders who have served on the frontline of responses to HIV and AIDS, Ebola, and
Zika. Through this, we have seen mounting evidence of faith leaders’ critical role in addressing each health crisis we have fought together. This report details the unique and essential role of faith leaders in the COVID-19 Response before outlining the role they can play in the support of COVID-19 vaccine programs.

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