Differences in the early impact of COVID-19 on food security and livelihoods in rural and urban areas in the Asia Pacific Region

Abstract: The World Vision Asia Pacific office administered a “Rapid Recovery Assessment” among World Vision-supported selected rural and urban communities in 14 countries throughout the Asia-Pacific region in May–June 2020. The assessment was a multi-sectoral rapid assessment intended for informing the Early Recovery (ER) needs of families, including identifying the vulnerable and at-risk members in the target communities. The large-scale survey assessing >13,500 respondents’ food security and livelihoods provides a unique opportunity to various impacts of COVID-19 across Asia Pacific countries and in rural and urban areas. This study examines differing early impacts of COVID-19 lockdowns on job loss and reduced income, food expenditure, and food availability, accessibility, and affordability between rural and urban households in Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, Myanmar, Philippines, and Vietnam in the Asia Pacific region during the early stages of the pandemic.

Article from:
Global Food Security
Volume 31, December 2021, 100580

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