Government of Ethiopia’s public works and complementary programmes: A mixed-methods study on pathways to reduce intimate partner violence

Abstract: There is evidence that cash transfers reduce intimate partner violence (IPV), but less is known about the impacts of public works and complementary programmes on IPV. Using mixed-methods we examined whether and how the Ethiopian government’s public works programme (that includes food or cash transfers for seasonal labour) alongside complementary activities that engage women and men affected IPV.

We found no impacts of the complementary programming on IPV in the full sample, but some impacts among the poorest sample. Evidence on pathways found that both the public works and complementary programming decreased poverty-related stress and arguments within relationships and increased emotional wellbeing. There were some impacts on women’s empowerment from the complementary programming. However, men’s reactions to women’s empowerment were mixed. There was strong evidence that engaging men in nutrition behaviour change communication contributed to improving gender relations. Our findings indicate that social protection and complementary programmes have the potential to be gender transformative and prevent the drivers of IPV.

SPIR is a five-year project (2016–2021) supporting the implementation of PSNP4 (the fourth iteration of the programme), and complementary activities. Through funding from the United States Agency for International Development’s (USAID) Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance, and in collaboration with the Government of Ethiopia, World Vision leads the implementation of SPIR. The main objectives are to enhance resilience to shocks and improve food security and nutrition for vulnerable, rural households. SPIR targets over 500,000 PNSP4 beneficiaries in 15 of the most vulnerable districts in Amhara and Oromia. Based on the Ethiopian demographic and health survey (DHS) data, Oromia has a higher prevalence of physical, sexual and emotional violence against women at 28.9%, 13.2% and 23% respectively, compared to Amhara at 19%, 8% and 23%, respectively (Yitbarek et al., 2019). Gender norms in the regions are patriarchal and traditional, with men considered heads of the family with control over land and economic resources, and women expected to be dependent on and subordinate to men (Alemu, 2007Semahegn et al., 2013).

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