World Vision’s Food Security and Livelihoods’ flagship Enhancing Nutrition Stepping Up
Resilience and Enterprise (ENSURE) Resilience Food Security Activities program, which ran from June 2013 to June 2020, worked with two local organizations, government institutions, communities and private sector for seven years in building their local capacity as part of its sustainability strategy. The ENSURE food security program focused on empowering and capacitating poor, rural households to become more food secure through mainstreaming gender equity and natural resource management in the three key areas of: maternal, child health and nutrition; agricultural production and marketing; and community resilience. ENSURE’s capacity development was based on the need to strengthen both individual and institutional capacity in order to fulfil USAID’s development assistance mandate. This was done by helping local organizations develop clearly articulated goals, and objectives and achieve them through improved individual and institutional capacity so that they will be able to meet their needs and those of the communities they work in an impactful and sustainable manner.