Disability Inclusion Sector Summary

World Vision adopts a rights-based and social model approach to disability access, inclusion, and stigma reduction, in line with recommendations in the CRPD. Working with local disabled people’s organizations (DPOs), staff develop programs that are inclusive of people with disabilities in their activities, monitoring and evaluation, and research. World Vision promotes attitudinal and behavioral change through training, advocacy, and stakeholder engagement and ensures that universal access is stipulated for all reconstruction and infrastructure work.

Programs focus on integrating persons with disabilities into aspects of community life including education, economic opportunities, and family life. This includes training teachers in inclusive teaching methods to appropriately incorporate students with disabilities, as well as training parents in proper care for children with disabilities. Schools are encouraged to construct accessible classrooms, latrines and water points. To reduce stigma, World Vision promotes the rights of individuals living with disabilities and empowers community members to become advocates for disability rights.

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