Evaluation of WASH and Environmental Conditions in Healthcare Facilities in Mali

A recent global assessment of water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) in healthcare facilities (HCFs) in 78 low-and middle-income countries estimated that 50% of healthcare facilities lacked access to an improved water source, 39% had inadequate handwashing facilities, 33% lacked improved sanitation, and 39% had inadequate infectious waste disposal. A lack of safe water, toilets, and handwashing facilities poses significant health risks to patients and health workers. World Vision Mali, with support from the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation, worked in Koro and Kolokani Circles, Mali to improve WASH in healthcare facilities from 2017-2020. The program consisted of numerous components, including the implementation of the WASH in HCFs minimum package (a set of government-recommended minimum standards for WASH in HCFs), sanitary and environmental management plans, training on management and maintenance of infrastructure, local advocacy, BabyWASH, and WASH FIT (Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene Facility Improvement Tool). This report summarizes results after the final evaluation.

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