GESI Promising Practice: Sierra Leone Women Empowered for Leadership and Development

This document presents a promising practice on integrating Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI) to empower women and advance their socio-economic and political leadership in Sierra Leone. Funded by USAID (2014 to 2019), the goal of the project entitled Women Empowered for Leadership and Development (WELD) was to increase women’s social, political, and economic rights. The project applied World Vision’s Savings for Transformation (S4T) approach and worked to address social and cultural barriers to women’s civic engagement and economic advancement. Working collaboratively with multi-sectoral partners and with the government of Sierra Leone, the project promoted gender sensitive planning and monitoring, and mobilized women-led civil society organizations (CSOs). The project involved women, including women with disabilities, at the city, district, and national levels. It was implemented by a consortium of four organizations led by World Vision Sierra Leone, alongside Action Aid International Sierra Leone, Advocacy Movement Network, and Network Movement for Justice and Development, across seven districts. The evidence suggests that WELD project supported, empowered, and helped promote women’s social, political, and economic rights and equal and inclusive engagement.

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