GESI Reference Guide: GESI and Faith

This document provides guidance on the intersections of GESI and faith for World Vision and others to follow as they integrate GESI-transformative faith-based interventions into their work. It aims to provide practical guidance on how to use a faith lens to promote gender equality and social inclusion specific to different programming sectors, and vice versa.

Faith often interplays with GESI in complex ways that can either promote gender equality and social inclusion, or in unfortunate situations, increase gender inequality and social exclusion. If GESI and faith dynamics are not intentionally considered, interventions may result in obstacles to access, decision-making, participation, and well-being of the most vulnerable, and reinforce unequal systems that would prevent the most vulnerable, especially women and girls, from
contributing to or benefiting fully from recovery, development, and peace. Additionally, World Vision’s programs that utilize the Faith and Development approach need to apply its Gender Equality and Social Inclusion lens to ensure equal and inclusive access, participation, decision-making, systems, and well-being.

The reference guide will help sector teams to take GESI and faith into account when conducting program analyses and setting priorities for more equal and inclusive programming. It provides teams with necessary knowledge of faith-based and GESI-responsive approaches. Specifically, the guide does the following:

  • Introduces some of the main concepts in GESI and faith.
  • Presents key aspects of GESI-Responsive programming that consider faith-based approaches and integrate the different GESI domains

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