Ghana Asutifi North Project Summary

In 2018, World Vision worked with the Asutifi North District Assembly, IRC WASH, and other key partners to develop and launch a district-wide Universal Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) Coverage Master Plan with funding from the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation. The vision of universal access to WASH across the district was arrived at following a year of extensive context analysis, stakeholder consultations, and inception meetings to stimulate local understanding and buy-in. Building on the motivation of the district assembly and partner organizations to implement the district master plan, the Universal Access to WASH in Asutifi North project was launched in 2019 in collaboration with key partners. Based on an initial CDC assessment, the project sought to provide WASH services to 56 communities, 15 schools, and seven healthcare facilities (HCFs) by November 2022. The goal of the four-year project was to provide sustainable safe water access to 32,000 people and to strengthen governance of WASH services in these communities, education facilities, and health facilities for long-term sustainability.

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