Healthy Relationships for a Violence-Free Future Project Summary

Healthy Relationships for a Violence-Free Future is the first USAID-funded project for World Vision Timor-Leste. It uses the People-to-People approach, which focuses on communities where societal forces have damaged or severed the relationships and brings members of conflicting groups together to interact purposefully in a safe, co-equal space to promote mutual understanding, trust, and empathy.

The project promotes healthy, non-violent relationships—particularly between intimate partners, adolescents and parents, and adolescents/youth. It brings together these groups to create dialogue and rebuild fractured relationships, working to change behaviors and attitudes. The project also addresses underlying gender norms and inequitable social structures that drive gender-based violence. It targets 5,000 people in 16 suco (villages) in three Administrative Posts (Maucator, Timolar, and Zumalai) in the Covalima municipality.

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