Kenya Big Dream Project Summary

World Vision dreams of a Kenya without female genital mutilation (FGM) and child marriage. We aspire to end those harmful practices in the project area — to ensure that all girls and boys are cared for and protected from FGM, child marriage, and all forms of violence, while living within supportive families and communities. UNICEF estimates that at least 200 million girls and women in 30 countries have been subjected to FGM, including one in five females in Kenya from 2004 to 2015.

Through evidence-based strategies, Kenya Big Dream will work to raise the visibility of violence against children and change attitudes and behaviors. This will involve not only educating and training parents, the community, government, and service providers, but also empowering girls and boys themselves.

Education is vital to girls who have undergone FGM as well as those girls who are likely to undergo the rite and marry if they are unable to continue their formal learning. The project will advocate at local and national levels to persuade the Kenyan government to fulfill its legal mandate to ensure children have access to high-quality schooling.

For more on Kenya Big Dream

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